If your unfamiliar with the architectural process, look no further. Below is a handy guide explaining the different stages from our initial conversation with you through to construction of your project.
Over the phone or in person, we are here to talk through your proposals, give guidance and advice, with a view to establishing your design brief and provide a fee quote for the services which you require.
We will undertake a measured and photographic survey of your property, which in turn will allow us to produce the existing drawing pack. During the survey we can discuss your proposals further and make you aware of any important matters that have come to our attention and need to be considered.
After establishing your design brief in stage 1 we will produce a proposed design tailored for you. We will take on board any comments you have on the design proposals, and we will revise any design until you are happy to move forward with your project.
Don't panic, it's not as scary as you think. If your project requires planning permission, we will advise on, coordinate, and obtain any information required to allow us to submit a planning application on your behalf. We will liaise with the planning officer throughout the planning process with the aim of obtaining planning approval for your project.
During this stage of your project we will take your approved proposals and add all the technical information. The technical proposals will allow for coordination with other client consultants, such as a structural engineer or interior designer, and to submit a building control application. This application will approve the technical proposals produced by all consultants and put you in the position where you have all the information needed to being the construction of your project.
During construction of your project we will be on hand to liaise with you and your chosen contractor should any further information, advice or guidance be required until the building work is complete.
If you have an enquiry regarding a possible project, please get in touch.